Wisdom is Calling You


By Phil Harwood

Proverbs 19:20 says, “Listen to advice and accept instruction, and in the end you will be wise.” The reality is that we aren’t born with much wisdom. Do you remember being 5, or 10, or 15 years old? Yeah, not much wisdom going on there... But what about as an adult? Do we just become wise with age or do we need to seek it out? The proverb says we need to listen to advice and accept instruction. What does this mean for us today? 

Many adults avoid seeking advice or instruction. Apparently, they have it all figured out or don’t care to figure it out. There are a lot of unwise people running around these days (or not running  around--over 2 million of them are incarcerated in the U.S.). That’s one option. Who’s got time for wisdom, anyway? 

Another option is to seek wisdom. Go find it, wherever it is. Listen to the stories and experiences of others who have gone before you. Be open to their questions, suggestions, and critical viewpoints. This is how wisdom is found. It requires courage, openness, and an investment of time. 

If you’re in the professional snow business, there are two wonderful opportunities heading your way that you won’t want to miss. These events are hosted by the Snowfighters Institute. The first is called Inner Circle, being held May 19-20. The second is called Forum for Sales, being held June 2-3. Registration and details are on the website. 

If you seek wisdom, you will find it here, I promise. Both events will sell out so don’t delay on securing your place. 

Now go forth. 

Tags: Advice , Instruction , Wisdom ,