GTB Blog

Professional Development on Steroids

If you’ve ever been on steroids, you probably remember it because they are amazing. I’ve only been on them a few times in my life. Each time was a game-changer in terms of how they made an immediate impact. Each time, I was having a fairly serious medical condition and the steroids provided not only immediate relief but changed the future course toward healing and recovery.

Summer Hits

Fourth of July weekend is one of my favorite holidays because it seems to kick off a flurry of great summer activities. And in between festivals, pool parties, and baseball games, there’s a bunch of professional opportunities that are can’t miss summer events as well. Here’s what I’m making time on my calendar for as can’t miss summer hits that will help me get to the next level…

Off-Season Mock Snow Storm Training for Serious Snow Pros

As you know, snow and ice management has become a year-round business. In other words, there really is no “off-season.” Instead, there are important tasks to be accomplished in each of our four seasons. During the summer season, one of the recommended tasks is to begin holding mock storm training sessions. This is an excellent way for those involved in snow operations to learn how to make better decisions during snow events without the risk of making a serious mistake during an actual storm.

Ask Right Now

Sales is hard work. But for some of us, it’s as easy as accepting an introduction because we have a group of people who consistently refer us to qualified buyers. If you aren't getting enough amazing referrals for what you sell, let’s fix it right now in less than 10 minutes. First of all…

Leveraging Snow Subcontractors for Growth & Profitability

One of the most common questions I’m asked by snow & ice management professionals is about how to grow using subcontractors. Often, these snow pros are afraid of relying on subs. Some are afraid of losing control over their properties. Some are afraid of the impact it may have on service quality and their reputation. Some are afraid of subs letting them down. And there are a variety of other fears present.

Take Back Control

Sales can often feel like we’re not the ones in control. Prospects request quotes, meetings, and details expecting prompt replies and total compliance only to ghost us once a proposal is sent. But that’s only true for bad salespeople. Great salespeople stay firmly in control of the sale from start to finish. Here’s what they know to do…


If you’re in the snow and ice management business, you most likely know that the Snow and Ice Management Association (SIMA) is holding its annual Symposium in Pittsburgh the last week of June. This is a wonderful industry event where people from every aspect of the industry converge in one place for several days. In light of this, I have a unique opportunity for you to consider.

Delete Your Job Ad

“Your presentation helped me rewrite our help wanted ad and we were flooded with applicants!” was the note I received after a recent presentation on how to win the talent war. If you need more great quality job applicants, it’s time to delete your job ad and start fresh. Here is what is working for other companies who are flooded with applicants…

Finding All-Star Sales Reps

Without a doubt, the fastest way to grow a business in our industry is to hire an all-star salesperson. The right one annually adds hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars to a company’s revenue with profitability built in. But more often than not, managers trust the wrong person to try and sell, leading to poor results. Here’s what to look for in a salesperson…

Talent Matters

Here at GrowTheBench, we’re all about investing in employees and helping them develop to achieve their full potential. But full potential isn’t created equally and each person brings with them various levels of unique talents. Our ability to achieve results is based on two factors - talent and investment - but too few companies know how to measure talent at all. Here are the two best options that exist…

Spring Sales Forecast

Have you noticed a slump in sales recently? Or have you been too busy to notice that demand for many green industry services is starting to decline? The pandemic-era boost from people stuck at home with stimulus money is giving way to recessionary budget cuts and it could lead to a big slump in sales for many companies. Here’s how to bust through a sales slump….

Why EOS is taking over

The Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) was developed by Gino Wickman, the founder of EOS Worldwide. My previous company worked directly with Gino at his Livonia, Michigan office many years ago and before Gino wrote his first book, Traction. Since this time, I’ve witnessed an explosion of EOS in all industries. I couldn’t be happier for Gino and his team. But what’s the deal with EOS? Why is it taking over?

Want Your Training Paid For?

If you want to provide more training for your people but are finding the budget isn’t sufficient for all of the education that you want to participate in this year, it can pay to explore how workforce development funds can help. Many states have allocated money specifically for employees to get better at their jobs and you may already be qualified. Here’s two successful examples of how this works: