'Tis the Season to Hire


By Neal Glatt

Getting a jump start on more sales in 2024 requires action in December, which is why it’s the busiest month to start hiring key roles, especially salespeople.  Here’s the top three reasons to start your 2024 hiring plans during the 2023 Holiday Season…

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Reason 1: A Fresh Start

A new year often means a fresh start for employees who are ready to make a change.  Perhaps they’ve hung on to their old job just long enough to get a year-end bonus before spending their personal time off searching for a new job to start in the new year.  As a result, employers who want to have the first choice of candidates do best to have a live job ad posted a week before Christmas to catch the holiday bump in applications.

Reason 2: Don’t Sacrifice Q2

Employers who begin their hiring process for a salesperson in December often can get a candidate working for them by the start of February.  That means onboarding and training can occur entirely by the end of March and sets up the second quarter for actual sales success.  Those who wait until mid-January to begin their candidate search often have to sacrifice sales in April, May, and June because of a ramp-up time.  There’s no reason to lose out on the busiest sales quarter of the year by delaying starting until after the holidays.

Reason 3: A Clear Perspective

Hiring a key person takes effort and focus, and the professional lull leading up towards Christmas makes it a convenient time to schedule the meetings, complete the homework, and implement the process of hiring because there is little to no external inputs required.  By taking advantage of this time, companies can strengthen their hiring process to land the best people to join the team.

Help is Available

If you need help landing a key employee or salesperson in your business, we’d be happy to help with predictive, objective, and proven processes and assessments that have worked for dozens of green industry companies.  There is still time to get a massive jump start on hiring for 2024, and beat the competition for the best candidates, but only if you reach out today.  Contact us at Info@GrowTheBench.com or 616-920-0373 and we’d be happy to set up a call to discuss your needs ASAP.

Tags: hiring , Sales , 2024 ,