The Power of Culture


By Neal Glatt

“Culture will eat strategy for breakfast” couldn’t be more true.  If you’ve struggled with organic growth, hiring and retention, or leadership initiatives like technology implementation failing to deliver results, it’s likely you have a broken company culture.  Here’s how to fix it.

First, let’s be clear on what company culture actually means.  Quite simply, it’s the way things are done in a particular organization.  From how people are treated, to what behaviors are encouraged, to the systems in place, anything that is done, said, promoted, or discouraged helps shape the culture.

Good cultures are well-defined and deliver on the essential needs that all employees have.  Things like clarity in role, tools and materials to do their jobs, social relationships, and growth opportunities are just some of what companies must deliver on to have a great culture.

But when companies don’t proactively define what they want to build, the culture inevitably becomes fractured and suffers.  This is because it’s a collection of everyone’s values.  Unless it is specifically cultivated, it will never be strong enough to propel business success.

We have two great courses to help you create a company culture you can be proud of and enjoy.  You can learn about the Power of Company Culture from Phil Harwood where you’ll focus on the mission, values, and implementation of culture and discover how important your brand promise and communication is for Company Culture from Neal Glatt.

Or, you can check out all of our courses, including these two, with our Monthly All-Access Pass.  And since culture is so important, we’re offering a free month to new subscribers with promo code CULTURE at check out until July 1.  Simply add the pass to your cart, use the promo code at checkout, and you’ll immediately have access to over 300 videos for all aspects of your business for up to 10 users!

If you prefer an in-person workshop, you’ll want to be sure to attend Cultivating a Company Culture presented at Cultivate’21 on Saturday, July 10 in Columbus, OH.  This is an amazing conference for anyone involved in the green industry, but is especially exciting this year as it returns with live education and networking opportunities.

Tags: Leadership , Retention , Culture ,