A Better Way to Recruit


By Phil Harwood

Recruiting today needs to be totally different... Here is the step by step comparison of the old ways compared to todays ways. 

Old way:

  1. Recruiting with a necessary evil approach
  2. Post job description with a laundry list of requirements 
  3. Ask for resumes
  4. Communicate by phone or email 
  5. Multiple steps without justification
  6. Long delays at each step
  7. No assessment tools (or not quality)
  8. Unstructured interview questions with no scoring
  9. On-boarding is ad-hoc and limited to first day or so
  10. Follow up plan is missing or inconsistent

New way:

  1. Recruiting with a sales-oriented approach
  2. Post attractive opportunity with positive messages 
  3. Don’t ask for resumes
  4. Communicate by text
  5. Only those steps absolutely necessary
  6. Minimal delays at each step
  7. Quality assessment tools
  8. Structured interview questions with scoring 
  9. Detailed on-boarding plan in writing through first 90 days
  10. Follow up plan in writing through first year 

If you need help recruiting the best people, contact us to inquire about our premium recruiting service. 

Tags: Recruiting , Step-by-Step , Recruiting Process ,