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Professional Development on Steroids
If you’ve ever been on steroids, you probably remember it because they are amazing. I’ve only been on them a few times in my life. Each time was a game-changer in terms of how they made an immediate impact. Each time, I was having a fairly serious medical condition and the steroids provided not only immediate relief but changed the future course toward healing and recovery.
Want Your Training Paid For?
If you want to provide more training for your people but are finding the budget isn’t sufficient for all of the education that you want to participate in this year, it can pay to explore how workforce development funds can help. Many states have allocated money specifically for employees to get better at their jobs and you may already be qualified. Here’s two successful examples of how this works:
Working Slower
There are times when managers have no choice but to jump into the field and lend a helping hand to meet some pressing obligations. And while most managers bring a big boost of productivity in this times, I never personally contribute that way. My goal when I have to perform a critical task outside my role is to work slower. Here’s why it’s the best strategy ever…
School is Back
Last week, more than 70 million people of all ages went back to school in the US. That’s nearly one in four Americans. Clearly, education is a critical value that continues to make this country great. But education also affects whether our employees will work for us or not. Here’s what the research proves…
Are You Serious?
Throughout my career, I have always been serious about continuing education, professional development, training, etc. In fact, I believe it has been one of the most influential aspects of my career. Investing in yourself is something that nobody can ever take away from you. It follows you throughout your career. It makes you more valuable, opens doors, and broadens your horizons.
Get Winter Ready FAST
As the snow season rapidly approaches, the training of field employees always remains the biggest factor in whether a company is successful or underperforming. With the current labor shortage, it’s clear that many employees are going to be new to the snow industry.  Today’s great snow companies will be built on their ability to train anyone - here’s how…
Back to School
Last week, more than 70 million people of all ages went back to school in the US. That’s nearly one in four Americans. Clearly, education is a critical value that continues to make this country great. But education also affects whether our employees will work for us or not. Here’s what the research proves…
“Book Club For Landscapers?” How studying a business book with your team creates a great company culture.
One of the most effective ways to get your staff to “buy in” to the growth and culture of your company is to work through a book together. There are so many great business books that it’s hard to narrow it down to a few, but here are my favorite business books that would be great for group study...
Jason’s Big Decision
Jason is faced with a big decision. For the past two years, he has been enrolled as a full-time student at his local community college. His original plan was to take his prerequisites while living at home before transferring to a university to finish his bachelor’s degree. But now...