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Sales Game-Changer
We’ve all heard that sales is a numbers game. Do you believe that? I don’t. Success in sales is not about working harder and producing more unqualified proposals, hoping that you’ll get lucky. Not at all.
Level Up Your Snow Business
If you do snow removal, you may be hoping that 2024 becomes your best year yet. But I firmly believe that HOPE is a really poor business strategy. Here’s how you can guarantee that you reach new levels of success this year…
Advice for a Successful Career
One of the questions that I am frequently asked is what advice I have for a younger person in our industry. This is an interesting question and somewhat humbling. In many ways, I don’t believe that I have achieved the level of success that I was aiming for. Perhaps that higher level of success is still yet to come. On the other hand, my career has been very rewarding and every day I feel blessed.
Too Busy for Vacay?
I’ll be honest - I wrote this blog in advance because I'm on vacation today. All week, in fact. I hope you are too. But maybe you’re not. Maybe this summer feels like an endless grind that you simply can’t escape because of demanding customers, short staff, and a lack of experienced or talented people. Here’s how to stop being so busy…
How I Won in 2021
2021 was a great year for me - I had record-breaking sales, ran the Chicago Marathon, started my MBA program, bought a house I love, had plenty of quality family time, and made significant progress helping others in a variety of ways. I’m not here to brag about my year, but rather to teach you my number one secret to crushing goals so you can do the same in 2022. Here’s where you need to focus…
How I Made My Largest Sale
The largest sale I ever made was actually one of the easiest sales I ever made. One single event made it happen. On top of that, a referral from this new customer resulted in an even larger sale. My #1 and #2 largest sales resulted from a single event. Was this a stroke of genius or sheer luck? You decide...
This Sales Approach Changed Everything
This one simple selling approach changed everything. Without a background in sales, my closing rate went up over 90% and found myself with lots of time on my hands for other things. No longer was I wasting my precious time on every opportunity that came my way. Because of my success, I’m happy to share this approach with you…
How I Made My Largest Sale
The largest sale I ever made was actually one of the easiest sales I ever made. One single event made it happen. On top of that, a referral from this new customer resulted in an even larger sale. My #1 and #2 largest sales resulted from a single event. Was this a stroke of genius or sheer luck? You decide...
How Tall Are Your Impatiens?
If you’re not a horticulturalist, Impatiens are garden flowers that grow profusely in the right conditions but perform terribly in the wrong environment. Most plants are this way but Impatiens take it to the extreme, making for a great analogy of how the same person may fail miserably at one company but be a superstar at the next company. It’s not the person or the plant, it’s the conditions they are thrust into...
Reacting to $15 Minimum Wage
Last month, the House passed a bill to raise the federal minimum wage from the current $7.25 to $15 by 2025.  Considering that labor is the single highest cost for landscaping and snow removal companies, a proposed doubling of that cost should terrify owners.  Of course, some companies already know exactly how to thrive in the coming job market because they have a plan...
My Secret to Success
Last month at the SIMA Symposium, I was asked to present in their “Life and Leadership Series” about my accomplishments growing Case Snow to a $42+ Million business in 7 years, retiring and traveling the world for two months, and starting two business at the same time.  I was honored, but then began to reflect on what my real secret to success actually is.  Here’s what I discovered…
The Easy Way to Get More From Employees
I have a theory about employees that goes like this: When you hire an employee, you are buying their time from 9a-5p, but how much energy they give your company must be earned. Here’s how to get more energy from your employees...
What Is Open Book Management?
The philosophy of Open Book Management (OBM) is that businesses will experience greater success by sharing relevant financial and operational information with every employee. Employees receive information that not only helps them do their jobs well but gives them...
Extreme Growth: $0-$42 Million
I spent most of my career working as part of the team that built Case Snow Management into the juggernaut of a company it is today. Recently, Case was recognized as the 4th largest snow company in North America with revenues over $42 Million. Even more incredible, this company was started in just 2009. Here’s what I learned about achieving supercharged growth in seven and a half years:...