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Leveraging Snow Subcontractors for Growth & Profitability
One of the most common questions I’m asked by snow & ice management professionals is about how to grow using subcontractors. Often, these snow pros are afraid of relying on subs. Some are afraid of losing control over their properties. Some are afraid of the impact it may have on service quality and their reputation. Some are afraid of subs letting them down. And there are a variety of other fears present.
Why People Quit
As a coach, I get to hear how people intimately feel about their job and workplace. Often, I learn far more about people’s true feelings, and why they quit jobs, than their manager does. Here’s the top three reasons they’re quitting good jobs, and what can be done to keep good people…
How to Grow Employees
“We need better people” is something that every manager has thought at least once this year. No matter who is on the team, there are never enough employees who simply “get it” and show up with a great attitude, excellent skills, and a desire to improve every day. But what if there was a formula to help your people grow? Here’s how to develop employees to create the greatest team ever.
The Best Investment I Ever Made
Investing is tricky. However, there are some investment rules that have stood the test of time. One of them has nothing to do with the stock market but something closer to home. It’s an investment strategy that all of us can take advantage of and one that I believe is worth your consideration. If you give me one minute of your time, I’ll fill you in...
Winning the Pay Negotiation
The best way to stop employees from resenting their pay and demanding a raise is to diffuse the situation well in advance. It requires planning and foresight, but an employee compensation chart, or Path to Growth, can make all the difference. Here’s what it looks like, what to consider, and how to utilize it to keep employee pay in check and help them grow at the same time...
My Biggest Regret
When I reflect back on my career, there are certain aspects of it that I wish I had done differently. I could have sold more contracts, I could have kept more customers, I could have increased profitability, and I could have made life easier for everyone. On more than a few occasions I could have been a much better co-worker, team leader, and friend. But all of these regrets have one thing in common…
How to 10X Sales in 2021
As 2020 comes to a close, you may look back and be disappointed with your sales volume. Or maybe you’re concerned about slipping profit margins. If so, you’re not alone. A year ago, a client of mine was in exactly the same place. Here’s how we worked together to help him grow from sales of just $96,000 in 2019 to over $999,000 in 2020, and how you can 10X your sales this year too...
Why People REALLY Choose a Job
Have you ever stopped to wonder how people choose which company to work for?  Most people assume that pay or benefits has a lot to do with the situation.  But the research proves these people couldn’t be more wrong.  There is so much more that motivates people than conventional wisdom suggests.  If you need to hire great people, here’s the way to win...
Why I Love Quarantine
Like most of us, I’m stuck working at home while doing my part to prevent the spread of COVID-19.  While there have been some real challenges and plenty of canceled events, overall I’m loving quarantine.  Here’s why you should be loving this time too…
Break the Rules for Extreme Growth
Many businesses are too concerned with having employees follow the rules and processes that they set in place.  If you want customer referrals, record sales, and industry-leading profitability, then you need to start breaking the rules.  In fact, every great customer service story involves rule-breaking…
Who’s Next?
How long do you want things to be exactly the same? How many years will you be content spending the same time and effort on the same tasks? If you want more vacation, more money, or less stress in 2021 than you have today, then you need to make an investment now. It’s time to figure out who’s next. Here’s how to start.
Sharpening the Saw
It’s a simple question. What will you do differently in 2020? I’ve been working on my answers to this question and I’m ready to share them with you. They might surprise you!
The Secret to Scaling Snow Operations
If you want to really scale your snow operations, the best kept “secret” is to utilize subcontractors. But there is a right way and a wrong way to accomplish this task. Instead of spending tens of thousands on equipment and pointlessly trying to hire more labor, let me share with you how to subcontract your problems away and still profit this season. The first key...
You’re a Fake!
For many people, there is a small voice in our heads telling us that we’re not good enough, we’re not smart enough, and that sooner or later the world will discover that we’re just faking it. We have everyone fooled to think we have it all figured out, but we know we don’t. It’s only a matter of time. This condition is so common it has an official name...
The Secret to Super Growth
Do you ever wonder why some businesses tend to grow extremely quickly and others stay relatively the same size over years or decades?  In my experience, there is one thing that every business which experiences “Super Growth” always does.  It doesn’t involve significant investments, unique knowledge, or even extreme talent.  In fact, anyone could be improving just as rapidly…
Free Mentoring for Your Business
The National Association of Landscape Professionals (NALP) offers its members an opportunity once a year to spend a full day with a successful landscape professional with years of experience. This short-term mentorship program/opportunity is called the Trailblazer program...
The Easy Way to Get More From Employees
I have a theory about employees that goes like this: When you hire an employee, you are buying their time from 9a-5p, but how much energy they give your company must be earned. Here’s how to get more energy from your employees...
How to Afford a 14% Employee Bonus
One of the biggest problems with labor today is that your employees want more money but you can’t afford it.  Some companies, however, make enough money to pay 10 times the employee bonuses as their competition without sacrificing profit.  Here’s the secret…
Why I Don’t Make New Year’s Resolutions
This week, roughly 150+ million people will once again set a goal they aren’t likely to achieve as their New Year’s resolution.  Here’s what people who have found real success know about goals and growth...
“Book Club For Landscapers?” How studying a business book with your team creates a great company culture.
One of the most effective ways to get your staff to “buy in” to the growth and culture of your company is to work through a book together. There are so many great business books that it’s hard to narrow it down to a few, but here are my favorite business books that would be great for group study...
These are a Few of My Favorite (Podcasts)
The popularity of podcasts is increasing. Not only are more people listening to podcasts, but they’re listening to more podcasts. The beauty of podcasts is their accessibility. They’re free, they’re available through many different apps and programs, and you can listen anywhere at any time. I enjoy listening to podcasts while I’m driving or walking the dog. My family listens together when we’re on road trips. (And it’s a great alternative to screen time.)
"If You Ain’t First, You’re Last"
Life today is so fast paced that just “keeping up” feels like a constant grind. Increased pressures, more connected technology, and a strong economy have effectively trapped us on a hamster wheel with no time remaining except for the highest priority essentials. Fortunately, NASCAR has the solution…
Gonna Need a Bigger Boat
The team is getting bigger. We are thrilled to announce that we have recently added two people to our team - Ellaine Ursuy and Grant Harrison. Please join us in welcoming them to our team!...
Extreme Growth: $0-$42 Million
I spent most of my career working as part of the team that built Case Snow Management into the juggernaut of a company it is today. Recently, Case was recognized as the 4th largest snow company in North America with revenues over $42 Million. Even more incredible, this company was started in just 2009. Here’s what I learned about achieving supercharged growth in seven and a half years:...
The Recruiting Lie
Companies like, ZipRecruiter, and LinkedIn will tell you in their advertisements that the right candidates are out there. In fact, the best candidates are on their platforms! If only you’ll pay more to get them…
Grateful to Be On the DL
I’m on the disabled list. Hopefully, it will be a short stay and I’ll be back in the lineup soon. My team is counting on me to get back into the game and it’s no fun being out of the action. At the same time, there are lessons to be learned while on the DL...